How Do Cameras Work?
Gathering Light

The basic concepts underlying the workings of a camera are the same ones already outlined in this website. Although it is possible to take pictures without knowing these concepts, the more you understand about how your camera works the more refined and creative your pictures will be.

First you must understand how different colors of light mix to create the colors we see on the photograph we take. In order for us to see anything or to photograph anything, there must be light.  The three primary colors of light are red, blue, and green. These colors of light can be mixed in varying amounts to create every color in the rainbow. Remember, we are dealing with mixtures of light here, not with mixtures of colored pigments. The creating of different colors by mixing light is called the additive system of color. Red, blue, and green mixed in equal amounts create white. Click Here to see more details about color mixing of light

This information has practical application in the processing of color film – especially in the selection of filters for color printing.

Click Here to see what the main parts of a camera are.

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